#Прога #Фронтенд #Веб | Опубликовано: 2024-06-19 -- Обновлено: 2024-11-01
The most fucking annoying problem in web development for me is the totally fucking unpredictable cache behavior. You change your CSS and everything is fine on the local, but nothing is applied on the server. You clear the cache EVERYWHERE, you can clear it in browser settings, press CTRL+F5 50 times, sacrifice to Satan, but it doesn't fucking work.

And the next morning you just open your laptop and see that all the changes have been applied. Or on the 51st press of CTRL+F5 the changes are finally fucking applied.

How much it pisses me off. I just really don't understand why you can't make good cache clearing in the same Chrome? The whole world is suffering.