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СОРМ - комплекс технических средств и мер,...
[PUBLIC] Idiotic frontend problem
The most fucking annoying problem in web development for me is the totally fucking unpredictable cache behavior. You change your CSS and everything is fine on the local, but nothing is applied on the server. You clear the cache EVERYWHERE, you...
[PUBLIC] Thank u Chris!
«Growing older, it barely even turns my stomach anymore to watch people one by one abandon their ideals & aspirations in exchange for vacancy & channel changing comforts. While each heart must follow it's own trajetory...
[PUBLIC] Aiogram 3: Send photo with caption
Hi! U can send photo with caption and keyboard in Aiogram 3 like:...
[PUBLIC] CSS horror of text resizing
This is some fucking horror. Nowhere, neither on the internet nor in the Chat GPT, there is information about...