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[PUBLIC] Site Update #1
While I'm waiting for my teacher to send me a term paper on 'probability theory' (💸), I decided to do a little work on the site....
[PUBLIC] Telegram: Anonymity is over
Pavel Durov was detained by French authorities a couple weeks ago. He was charged with many things, but the bottom line is the same: Telegram did not cooperate (meaning leaking user information) with France....
[PUBLIC] 100 days birthday 🔮
🛸 Прилетело НЛО и украло описание поста...
[PUBLIC] Commuity: Antihype
Antihype is a Russian music association created by Andrey Zamay. The main ideology of the association is postirony: the participants constantly walk on the edge between seriousness and humor....
Я вообще люблю всякие топы и подборки, подумал почему бы не сделать свою. Это все чисто субъективная хуйня. ...