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[PUBLIC] Site Update #2
I passed the math logic exam 🎳. Tomorrow I have a term paper on operating system programming. I haven't done it yet, if anything.

Well, while my girlfriend is asleep and I'm up, I thought I'd update the site....
[PUBLIC] CSS: Flickering blocks on reboot
For a long time here flickered some blocks on when reloading the site. It turned out that the page is not loaded simultaneously with CSS. Because of this, some blocks are not loaded for some part of a second after the page is loaded....
[PUBLIC] Site Update #1
While I'm waiting for my teacher to send me a term paper on 'probability theory' (💸), I decided to do a little work on the site....
[PUBLIC] Telegram: Anonymity is over
Pavel Durov was detained by French authorities a couple weeks ago. He was charged with many things, but the bottom line is the same: Telegram did not cooperate (meaning leaking user information) with France....
[PUBLIC] 100 days birthday 🔮
🛸 Прилетело НЛО и украло описание поста...